
Mega Quizzz !!!

This week will be a little bit tough for 1st year pharmacy student as they will face:

1) Communication skills quiz Monday 3/3/2008
2) PNS quiz Monday 10/3/2008
3) Dosage Form Exam Friday 7/3/2008

More papers = more effort

Good luck all !!! :)

p/s: especially for myself n fellow IPSA*mod :)

edit: PNS quiz got postponed, updated !


Anonymous said...

Bukan MEGA tapi SUPER DUPER MEGA KUIZ!!! Thank GOD Communicato Skill was easy. Wish the same goes with PNS and Dosage Form. For yhe lecturer may your hearts melt to give us more mark. For the others, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

@kelantanstreet said...

Upin ipin budak pandai...
CS quite hard la...not so easy..
Btw ehh PNS quiz tangguh next week ke? Kn update ipsalendar nie..
Blajar la wahai imad :)

:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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